Closers you can count on 24/7
With an average response speed of 30 seconds, our industry trained sales answering service agents are quick to answer and quick to close.

With an average response speed of 30 seconds, our industry trained sales answering service agents are quick to answer and quick to close.
Don’t leave your customers waiting. Slingshot’s sales answering service agents get to every lead in an average of 30 seconds or less.
Let our industry trained sales answering service agents qualify, sell, and schedule leads within your CRM all in a single interaction.
Think of Slingshot as an extension of your team. We follow your protocol, processes, and approved script to inspire customer loyalty.
“Slingshot enabled us to increase our residential starts and helped us meet the needs of prospects calling after hours and trying to communicate with us online.” — Bill Welsh, VP of Sales and Regional Manager, Rose Pest Solutions
The proof is in the pudding, right? Our easy-to-digest reports lay out everything you need to know about our activity, your inbound sales and beyond.
Request a FREE demoFill out the form below to schedule a Demo or give us a call at 800-514-7360!